Well I was checking out everyone else's blogs today while Jake wasn't on the computer, when I noticed that there was no noise coming from anywhere! I knew Jake was laying down, but Addi was suppose to be playing! I went and checked on her and this is what I found! She must have just climbed up there and fell asleep, because I know Jake was already sleeping! They are the cutest things ever! I love this stage of life for her cause she is just so stinking funny! She's ALWAYS doing and saying things that make us laugh. The other day she told us that she had to save baby Jet from the dragons. Jet is what Jake wants to name our new baby so why she thought he was in trouble I don't know, but I'm sure glad she's taking care of him!
5 years ago
Ash, that is hilarious!! They are so cute, Dad and his little girl!! Jet is a really cute name for a little boy!! I really like that name and Cruz as well. How are you feeling?
That picture is so cute!! They are really funny at that age. She is so dang cute!
That is too cute! I love that she's using Jakes bum as a pillow. What a doll! :)
Cute! Looks like things are going well for you Ashley! Take care :)
That is too cute Ash! How is the pregnancy going? Have you guys come up with any more names yet?
Oh my heck how cute!!! I love those pictures!! Umm ya pretty sure you can tell what you are having.. :) I LOVE that name. I think that is so cute. How are you feeling? You looked soooo cute when you came to the hospital.
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