I can't help but be so grateful for my kids lately. My friend Jen posted a story on her blog, and I can't help but think about it constantly. I saved the blog, Stakerz Xposed, in my list so if you have time you have to read it. It will remind you of how lucky we are for every second we get with our kids. I'm grateful to Jen for showing it to me, even though it consumes so much of my thoughts! Well if you get a second you really should look at it.
Well, I don't have any pictures to post but I wanted to put this little story on my blog so I wouldn't forget it! tonight we were having family home evening. My dad gave the lesson and he was talking about the Holy Ghost. He asked Addi what she knew about the Holy Ghost and she said "I know that he loves me." Well I though that was a pretty good response. After he had given the whole lesson he asked Addi when do we get the Holy Ghost. Her response was "On Fridays!" It was so funny. She answered his question with such confidence. She knew she was right. It was so cute.
Well we blessed Elli yesterday. Jake did a beautiful job. I'm so proud of him. He's living in Spanish Fork during the week working at an accounting firm. It's only a temporary job, but I'm so grateful that he's getting some experience. Elli is changing so much everyday. Jet is still as sweet as ever. He is a really good little boy. Addi is still very funny. She's in dance and tumbling here and she loves it. She gets to come to my valentine party at school this week and she's so excited. School is going well. I love Mrs. Fowles. She's taught me a lot already! It's been hard to leave my kids everyday, but I know I'll be grateful when I'm all done. We are still doing good. Hopefully I'll be posting pictures soon.
5 years ago