Sunday, February 22, 2009

Big Girl!

Ok so when we were back in Chicago one of the girls told me about this thing she did with her little boy and getting rid of his binkies. The idea was to go to build a bear let him pick out a bear and have him buy it with his binkies. Well for some reason I always remembered that, and now I can tell you that it works! Well, at least it did for us except we did it with Addi's sippy cups. Since Addi was one she's used a sippy cup like it was a bottle. She needed it everywhere. Well we decided that in order for her to quit she had to go cold turkey, no more! We let her use it up until we went to state wrestles. We went to the build a bear store on Friday and let her pick out what she wanted but we didn't buy it yet. She was so excited! The next day we took her bag of sippy cups and built the bear.

She loved it! She wanted to do everything, and they were so nice.

She even got to do the stuffing. She really thought it was the coolest thing.

This is her picking out a heart! They had her kiss it before she put the heart in the bear. The people working there really do a good job.

I warned the lady at the pay stand so she let Addi give her the sippy cups and Addi walked away with the bear before I paid so that she thought she really did buy it! Addi was so proud of herself. I feel bad I didn't get a picture of her sippy cups.

Well this is the final product. It's a cute bear, but if I were picking one out this would definitely not have been it. They have so many cute things in there it's unbelievable, but Addi's favorite color is blue so this is perfect for her! Well needless to say the first thing she says after we had eaten and were on our way back to Delta was "I don't want my bear, I want my sippy cups!" I thought for sure my great ideas was not going to work, but since our ride home, and a little but the next day at church, she hasn't even mentioned her sippy cups. She doesn't really play with the bear either, but it was a good distraction for a couple of days. She really is getting so big. She's even finally potty trained. She hasn't wet the bed or her panties yet, and it's been a week since she started going all the time with panties. She has pooped in her panties a couple of times so we got to get the hang of that,but she's doing better! No more diapers for her! YEAH!!! Next thing were going to work on is getting her to sleep in her bed without making it a major ordeal to get her to sleep! She never wants to go to bed and it's driving me crazy. Jake's working nights so I have to do it every night by myself and I hate it. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm the meanest mom ever. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

State Wrestles!

Over Valentines weekend we went up to the state wrestles. Jake's little brother Jace was wrestling and he did way good! Well actually all of the boys did really well. Jace took second, and Delta took first. It was the first time they had won since we did in 2002 so it was really fun.

I love state wrestles! I always have and I always will. I have so many fun memories from state wrestles. We always had such a fun time! I got to see my good friend Kenzie at the wrestles too, and that was SOOO good! I've missed her, well I've missed all of my friends. I wish we could have gotten together.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New hair!

Well I know this looks like a wig on me, but believe it or not it's my real hair. I decided to go dark and I really like it! Change is always good, and it's made me feel a lot better about myself to have something new! Thanks again to Crystal for doing it for me! You're the best !!!

Radom Pics!

Addi just can't leave Jet a lone. It's actually pretty funny. I guess Addi thought that Jet would like these stickers she found at the shop!

I love this picture. His face is like "Oh great what did she do now?!"

This picture is suppose to be at the bottom, but I messed it up! This was Janie's dance costume last year and she gave it to Addi!

You can't really tell but she put her legs through the arm holes, and her waist is in a leg hole! She was trying so hard to put her arms in the leg holes!

The skirt is tipped up side down! She looked so funny, and she was trying so hard to get it on right!

I was tagged!

The Rules:
1. Go to your documents/pictures.
2. Go to your 6th file.
3. Go to your 6th picture.
4. Blog about it.
5. Tag 6 people to do the same.
6. So here we go...

This was after Jake's graduation. If it only this would have meant that he was totally done with school! Yes, I am counting the days till we're done! I'm so proud of him!

I tag...
